PRIME Registry is Designed for Quality Improvement

PRIME Registry makes the data from your medical records software moreaccessible, useful and useable for a wide range of quality improvement endeavors.

NQF-Endorsed Measures

PRIME Registry includes around 100 measures, several of which are endorsed by the National Quality Forum.

Easy to Access Reports Tool

The Reports tool in your registry dashboard makes it easy to output the information necessary for reporting quality metrics for a variety of purposes. (Need to see Patient Care by Measure by Insurance Payer? We’ve got a report for that!)

User Defined Roles for Quality Dashboard Access

You can designate a quality manager or other organization member to access your quality dashboard, further simplifying quality data management and benchmarks.


With the PRIME Registry quality dashboard, administrators can view performance data at the provider/clinician level, as well as at the practice and location level, making it easier to identify which providers contribute directly to improved care.

Potential for Better Quality Scores

The ease of monitoring quality scores can help you achieve better performance and potentially improve potential payment amount.

In-Depth Support

Your PRIME Registry participation comes with in-depth support for understanding quality scores, data mapping and more.

Population Health Tools

PHATE Population Health Assessment Engine

With PHATE you can explore the social determinants of health that impact your patients, view the characteristics of your practice service area and drill down on specific social determinants, along with resources to address them. See more.

Care Gap Tool

Examine each patient’s care quality gaps across multiple measures with one click. Care Gap integrates with the Social Deprivation Index data (Community Vital Sign or CVS) from PHATE for insight into patient’s community characteristics. See more.

Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) Measures Tool

The PRO Measures Tool fields PRO surveys including the Person-Centered Primary Care Measure and the PHQ-9 mental health assessment, and presents the collected data in an easy to access,output, analyze and act on graphical format.


Please contact the PRIME team for additional information on these quality improvement